Friday, February 8, 2013


How did I get here? Loving me was not that easy. I remember asking myself where I start with truly loving me. What is Self-Love really about? What is the journey to getting there? I was at a place in my life where I hated who I was and I hated who I was becoming. What happened to me? Where did I lose me in the process of loving me? How could I allow myself to lose who I was for the benefit of others?  I had my “Aha” Moment when I looked at myself in the mirror one day before going to work. I didn’t recognize the individual that I viewed in the mirror staring back at me. Who was she and where did she come from? The person that looked back at me was disgusted with life, disconnected from others, alienated from my true feelings, she was hurt, destroyed, guarded, violated, disregarded, and spiritually depleted. I could only look in the mirror and cry……something like the scene from Poetic Justice when Janet revealed her emotions. It’s amazing how others can view you on the surface and it appears that everything is great, but you are truly dying inside. Pictures can convey things that are truly opposite of what you are feeling!! I decided that day to make a change for the better and to stop denying myself true love, which ultimately is generated from Self-Love!
(This is a picture that I appear to be fine, but I was hurting tremendously)

To start my journey I had to reflect and revert back to how I became this person. To be honest with you I hated myself growing up!!! Yuck Yuck Yuck…………I hated my complexion/skin, I hated my eyes, I hated my nose, and I hated my teeth with a passion. I developed a complex at a young age due to others making fun of me and I accepted that negative view of myself. Back in the day, being a dark skinned complexion girl was frowned upon and the name calling was something fierce. I remember being called Night, Shadow, Dark Vader, Blue Girl, Skillet to name a few. It made me hate who I was on the outside and started the deterioration of my self-esteem. I would often times question myself and tell the kids that “God didn’t make me light-skin because I wouldn’t be pretty light skin”…..This was disturbing thinking back on it.
(Me at 8 years old )

I started evaluating myself and I completed self-assessments that reviewed my self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, self-consciousness, self-actualization, self-value, etc.  I realized that I said I thought highly of myself, but my actions were not aligning with my self-beliefs. I then started to research the definitions of these self-attributes in its entirety and then I started to define who I wanted to be as a person.

A realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect.

The sense of one's own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect.

Realistic confidence in one's own judgment, ability, power, etc.

Excessively aware of being observed by others

the achievement of one's full potential through creativity, independence,
Spontaneity, and a grasp of the real world.

Proper esteem or regard for the dignity of one's character

Clearly at this juncture in my life my numbers on the scale for all these attributes were very low.  So I began to do things that will enable me to assess me & that will enable me to get back to me. I had to do several things to ensure that I was focused on me:

1.       I exited a relationship that I’d been in for 10 years (5 pre-marriage/5 married)
2.       I relocated to allow myself a fresh start (I didn’t want/need a negative reminder of what made me what I considered “Damaged Goods”.
3.      I would write in my journal to purge all my thoughts whether it be negative and/or positive (GET IT OUT-if you don’t acknowledge it you CAN’T correct it!!)
4.      I worked out to alleviate my anger and purge my negative emotions.
5.      I learned myself through trial and error (What do I like? What do I want? Who am I?)
6.      I read books to keep my mind from straying to a negative place (THIS WAS MY ESCAPE-MY GETAWAY)
7.      I removed myself from negativity, drama, selfishness(I BECAME A RECLUSE)
8.      I READ MY BIBLE & TALKED TO GOD A LOT via Journals, Notes, Music, in the Mirror, etc.

(Song that assisted me with my journey)

All these things enabled me to search and define who I was as it pertains to exterior and interior. I asked myself questions all the time and not just surface questions. I had to dig deep and ask secondary as well as tertiary questions to enable me to open up to me. I found that I had hidden pieces of me from me……..How could you not recognize pieces of yourself? THAT’S CRAZY. I realized that I wanted to be restored, restructured, revamped, recovered, and of all things REPLETE! I have attained all these things, but I still have other things to transform about myself. My ultimate aspiration is to be replete!!


1. The return of something to a former owner, place, or condition.
2. The process of repairing or renovating a building, work of art, etc., so as to restore it to its original condition.


1.      1.Filled or well-supplied with something; completely filled; full
2. abounding, abundant, alive, awash, brimful, brimming, charged, chock-full, complete, crammed, crowded, filled, full up, glutted, gorged, jam-packed, jammed, lavish, loaded, luxurious, overfed, overflowing, packed, plenteous, rife, sated, satiated, stuffed, swarming, teeming, thronged, well-provided

I am so different now and I am healing every day in every way. I no longer allow others to impinge on me like when I was a child. At times, I’m scared that I really don’t care what they think of me. LOL The best thing that I decided to do was love me….Self-Love is AMAZING!! How can you expect someone to love you when you don’t know how to truly love you? I wondered why I was in a relationship that was not producing love, and I would blame him for me not being happy. I had an epiphany one day after leaving and I called my ex to apologize, because it was all my fault. It started with me…..How I was treated was contingent upon how I treated myself. I owed him an apology and so I gave it.  I LET IT GO!!

If you have not mastered the art of loving yourself thoroughly & irrevocably how can you expect someone else to. If you don't know how to care for & take care of yourself what does he/she have to mirror those actions? I challenge you to love yourself & all the facets of you. Be YOUR own lover first…………make sure you fly above all life’s obstacles!! FLY EFFORTLESSLY
(God has a sense of humor-my light skinned twin lol)
(My Babies)
LOVING ME ~Flying Effortlessly

To love ourselves in a
biblical way is to seek the ultimate, eternal
good for ourselves, and this motivates  us to
“seek first his kingdom and his righteousness”
(Matthew 6:33).

Thanks to my photographer ...

Calvin Bolden
Picture Perfect Photos
Tel: (407) 437-5224