I decided that I would share my story, because most don't know what Mothers endure during pregnancy and giving birth.
I developed endometriosis in my early 30's and was told that more than likely I wouldn't get pregnant again. This had me down and depressed for yearssssssss, but I hid my internal pain from the people closest to me.
Last January, I finally asked my Gynecologist Oncologist for a hysterectomy because the pain was so unbearable. I told God that I was going to humbly bow out. with tears in my eyes......I GAVE UP!!
During a series of tests I found out that I was pregnant while on Birth Control. I don't know how, when ,where, etc but I popped up prego. Bittersweet moment!!
In a nut shell my pregnancy was filled with continuously feeling sick, stress, labs & genetic testing coming back abnormal, etc. I believe I cried every day of my 2nd & 3rd trimester.
After a while, stress sent me into early labor at 32 weeks & I was diagnosed with preeclampsia (I have a history). I was admitted into the hospital for a few days & begged them not to take my baby. I knew that she wouldn't survive if they took her. They kept sending in the doctor & NICU team to speak with me. However, I was adamant that they could not take my baby and I endured the pain.

A friend referred me to a girlfriend with a horrifying experience with preeclampsia and I was introduced to a drink that helped me feel amazing. It was called Juice Defined http://thejuicedefined.com/

Finally, I went into the hospital to be induced & received Cervidil
12 hours later no dilation but I was in pain
They then gave me pitocin the next morning no dilation but I was in a lot of pain
They were giving me pain medication but nothing was helping
I got an epidural injection but it only took on my left side
Several doses but no help with pain
They had to redo my epidural and it numbed me from my chest down but only worked 1-2 hours
I was ready and she started crowning
As soon as I was getting ready to push I FELT EVERY FRIGGIN THING
I heard voices but wasn't really present or coherent
I heard my older daughters voices behind me & would come to long enough to push
2 epidurals and nothing BUT PAIN
Per my doctor, I was going into toxic shock (1 more day & it could've been deadly she said)
After 29 hours of labor my baby was here (smile)
I was given a shot to stop Post-partum hemorrhaging
Within 30-45 mins I got deathly ill & everyone was rushed out of my room
I was regurgitating bile and all and in EXCRUCIATING pain
I was sick ALL NIGHT and didn't see my baby again until morning
Throughout all of this my blood pressure was running 140-210/90-120
My preeclampsia was horrid
I remained in the hospital 6 days & begged to be sent home because I wanted to go vote LOL
It took me twice as long to recover than with my previous deliveries.
Many don't know the physical and mental demons that women endure to bring forth life.
If you have a child you should do your very best to show appreciation to your wife or mother of that child. Don't bring undo harm, stress, pain, and inconsideration to her because.....
Having a baby is 1 foot in this world & 1 foot in the grave!!!
If you have a child you should do your very best to show appreciation to your wife or mother of that child. Don't bring undo harm, stress, pain, and inconsideration to her because.....
Having a baby is 1 foot in this world & 1 foot in the grave!!!